Retreats, Teachings and Special Events with Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi Rinpoche (unless otherwise noted)

Meditations on Nagarjuna’s Sixty Verses of Reasoning (Santa Barbara) October 5, 2024

Select Verses on the Middle Way June 8, 2024

Meditations on Bodhicitta (Edwards CO) July 20, 2024

Great Compassion Sadhana January 20, 2024

Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation teachings February 18, January 7, 14, 2024

Bodhi Day: Meditation & Aspirational Prayer Session December 9, 2023

Lotus Sutra Retreat (Santa Barbara), November 18, 2023

Three Principle Aspects of the Path Retreat October 14, 2023

Bodhisattva’s Garland of Jewels by Acharya Atisha July 8, 2023

The Songs of Perfect Purity Retreat October 8, 2022

Foundations of Mindfulness Retreat September 18, 2022

37 Practices of Bodhisattvas Retreat August 20, 2022

The Expanse of Appearances Retreat June 18, 2022

Saga Dawa Weekend Special Event June 11 & 12, 2022

Select Verses on the Middle Way Online Retreat May 7, 2022

Bardo Online Retreat April 9, 2022

Select Themes from the Lotus Sutra Cyberdharma teachings  April3,  May 1, August 6, Sept 11, 2022

Select Verses on the Middle Way On-line Retreat Feb 26, 2022

Cultivating the Six Perfections On-line Retreat Jan 15, 2022

Lojong: Verses on Mind Training On-line Retreat Dec 11, 2021

Verses on Bodhicitta On-line Retreat Nov 6, 2021

The Heart Sutra In person (Goleta, CA) & On-line Retreat October 16, 2021

Twelve Links of Dependent Origination On-line Retreat September 18, 2021

Verses in Praise of Bodhicitta On-line Retreat July 31, 2021

Buddha Nature On-line Retreat June 26, 2021

Vesak – Saga Dawa Prayers for Healing and Renewal  May 26, 2021

Verses in Praise of Bodhicitta On-line Retreat May 22, 2021

Buddha Nature On-line Retreat April 17, 2021

Q & A Session Special Event On-line February 21, 2021

Verses in Praise of Bodhicitta  On-line Retreat February 27, 2021

Songs of Spiritual Experience On-line Retreat January 16, 2021

Tara Mantra Recitation  Online Practice Sessions Jan 6, 13, 20, 27,  Feb 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar 3, 10, 2021

Vajrasattva Teaching & Practice Retreat   December 19, 2020  

Acharya Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life
CyberDharma Teaching   Dec 13, 2020 – Jan 10 & 24,  Mar 14, Apr 11, May 2, June 6, July 11 & 18, August 8 & 15, Sept 12, Oct 10 & 24, Nov 14 & 21, 2021, Jan 8, 2022

Q & A Session Special Event December 6, 2020, April 24, 2022  

Zen & Well-Being: Conversation with the Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi + Reverend Takafumi Kawakami
Special Event December 3, 2020  

30 Minutes of Calm Online Practice Sessions December 3, 2020, March 10, 2021  

Acharya Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life CyberDharma Teaching   Nov 1 & 29,  Aug 2, May 24,  April 12, 26, 2020

Lamp For the Path to Enlightenment  On-line Retreat November 14, 2020

Prayers for Lhabab Duchen November 7, 2020

The Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit  
Special Event October 22-27, 2020
Featuring Robert A.F. Thurman, Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi, Sharon Salzberg, B. Alan Wallace, Venerable Thubten Chodron, and many more.  

Verses in Praise of Bodhichitta Session 3 Retreat October 24, 2020  

Acharya Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life CyberDharma Teaching   October 18, 2020  

Q & A Session Special Event October 11, 2020  

30 Minutes of Calm Online Practice Sessions October 8, 15, 22, 29, 2020  

Monk & Machine: Ethics and Wisdom in the Age of Exponential Technologies
Special Event September 25, 2020  

Sadhana of Thousand Arm Avalokiteshvara (Sahasrabhuja-lokeshwara) Special Event September 27, 2020  

Verses in Praise of Bodhichitta Session 2 Retreat September 19, 2020  

Running Toward Mystery : Embracing Uncertainty
Talk by Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi Special Event September 12, 2020  

Acharya Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life CyberDharma Teaching   September 13 & 27, 2020 

Art & Solitude: Conversation with the Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi + Marko Ahtisaari
Special Event August 27, 2020  

Verses in Praise of Bodhichitta Retreat August 22, 2020  

Q & A Session Special Event August 9, 2020  

Acharya Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life CyberDharma Teaching   July 19 & 26, 2020  

Sadhana of Thousand Arm Avalokiteshvara (Sahasrabhuja-lokeshwara) Special Event July 9 & 23, 2020  

Self & Society: Conversation with the Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi + Reverend Takafumi Kawakami
Special Event July 23, 2020  

Arya Nagarjuna’s Exposition on Bodhichitta Retreat July 11, 2020  

Sadhana of Thousand Arm Avalokiteshvara (Sahasrabhuja-lokeshwara) Special Event June 21, 2020 

Acharya Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life CyberDharma Teaching   June 14 & 28, 2020  

Saka Dawa Prayers Special Event   Friday, June 5, 2020 

Meditations on Four Reliances
Retreat June 6th, 2020  Teachings will be based on the Sutra of Four Reliances (Sanskrit. catuḥpratisaraṇa-sutra). There will be a brief Q & A opportunity at the end of the retreat session. 

Avalokiteshvara Empowerment
by His Holiness the Dalai Lama 
May 28th-29th, 2020 In India: May 29-30 

Saka Dawa Prayers June 5th, 2020 Offer prayers on the holiest day of the Tibetan Buddhist calendar.

Acharya Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland
Teachings by His Holiness the Dalai Lama May 15 & 16

Embracing Fearlessness: Parting from the Four Attachments
Retreat May 9th, 2020  Based on the text by 12th Century Sakya master Sachen Kunga Nyingpo focusing on the Bodhisattva path. 

Vesak Celebration & Prayers May 7, 2020

Thought and Mind Transformation – Lojong  Cyberdharma April 5, 2020

Traditional Foundation of Mindfulness Retreat April 18, 2020

The Sutra of Truly Remembering the Three Sublime Jewels Cyberdharma Retreat Session 2  March 22, 2020

Relying On a Spiritual Friend  Retreat March 2, 2019  Edwards, CO

Vajrasattva Teachings and Practices Retreat Dec 7-8, 2019  Santa Barbara, CA

The Sutra of Truly Remembering the Three Sublime Jewels Cyberdharma Retreat Session 1 November 19, 2019

Cultivating the Four Immeasurables
October 20, 2018  Goleta, CA
Learn how to deepen one’s understanding and practice of the Four Immeasurables (loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity). These practices are core to the study and practice of Buddhism, especially for nurturing Bodhichitta – enlightened altruistic mind. By cultivating these wholesome qualities and applying them to all aspects of our daily lives, we can promote conditions for happiness in ourselves and others.

Meditations on the Four Immeasurables
September 22, 2018  Buena Vista, CO
A retreat to deepen our understanding and practice of the Four Immeasurables (loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity). These practices are part of bodhicitta training in Mahayana Buddhism. By cultivating these wholesome qualities in our hearts and applying them to all aspects of our daily lives, we can create happiness for ourselves and for all other beings without exception.  This retreat will focus on both study and practice and is suitable for all levels.

Joy of Liberation
March 17, 2018  Goleta, CA
This retreat is based on Je Tsongkhapa’s Three Principal Aspects of the Path. This essential Kadampa Buddhist scripture is a condensation of lamrim and a profound guide to meditation on the stages of the path to enlightenment.  Following this guide with steady effort, one can develop a peaceful and clear mind. Tsong Khapa suggests that it is on the basis of these three aspects: the wish for true freedom, the generation of altruistic intention, and the wisdom that understands how things really exist, that one must embark on this profound spiritual path.

Parting From the Four Attachments
Retreat Jan 15, 2018  New York, NY
This teaching is universally regarded as one of the jewels of Tibetan Buddhism. According to tradition, Drakpa Gyaltsen (1167-1216) received the teaching as a direct transmission from Manjushri. These practical teachings are considered to be essential to anyone wanting to genuinely enter the practice of Dharma. Freeing oneself from the four attachments allows the sincere practitioner to recognize and avoid the typical pitfalls encountered on the spiritual path. It is believed that this teaching has the power to instill realizations on all who receive it with proper intention. Understanding the true nature of mind, that it is the source of all problems and solutions, allows one to alleviate the personal suffering that is caused by ignorance and confusion.

The Foundation of All Good Qualities
Retreat April 1, 2017  Edwards, CO
A clear explanation of Lama Tsongkhapa’s famous prayer, The Foundation of All Good Qualities, a concise summary in fourteen stanzas of the entire graduated path to enlightenment commonly referred to as the “Lam Rim teachings”.

On Lojong: Mind Training Retreat March 18, 2017  Santa Barbara, CA

This retreat is based on the text, The Seven Points of Mind Training, which summarizes the lojong teachings originally brought to Tibet by Lord Atisha.  These teachings train one to refine and purify motivations and attitudes to deepen the practice of bodhichitta in everyday life.  Although first written down by Geshe Chekawa in the 12th century, the advice in the text is still as relevant and practical today for navigating the challenges of our contemporary world.The central themes of the lojong teachings include, amongst others, the enhancement of compassion, the cultivation of balanced attitudes towards self and others, the development of positive ways of thinking and the transformation of adverse situations into conditions favorable to spiritual development.”   His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Bardo Retreat October 16-23, 2016  Nathrop, CO

The Tibetan term Bardo refers to the “intermediate stage” in the Buddhist view of life and death. While Bardo is most commonly understood to mean the time between an individual’s death and next life, the term can also refer to other types of interim stages or transitions. Indo-Tibetan Buddhist traditions speak of Bardo as comprised of either four or six stages. This retreat will examine these stages and their respective implication for a serene death and rebirth. Participants will be introduced to a special meditation practice that will deepen their understanding of the Bardo stages. The great Tibetan master Milarepa, a proponent of these meditation practices, said that the function of a student of Buddhadharma is to live like a yogi and to die like a yogi.

Book of Kadam Retreat July 16, 2016 Goleta, CA
The Kadampa Tradition emerged in Tibet during the 11th century from the teachings of the great Indian master Atisha through his foremost Tibetan disciple, Dromtonpa. Their teachings were simple and direct with a wide appeal. As sincere spiritual practitioners, they integrated their knowledge of all the Buddha’s teachings into their daily lives by listening, thinking & meditating on the stages of the path to enlightenment. These essential teachings were later incorporated into the core teachings of all four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism, and in particular formed the basis of the Gelug School. They are still highly valued today for their clear understanding of how to create genuine happiness and the practical application of the bodhisattva’s altruistic ideals to everyday life.

A Garland of Views Retreat  March 19th, 2016 Edwards, CO
A Garland of Views is attributed to Guru Padmasambhava. It is a core text within the Nyingma tradition, that presents a system of practice for bringing together all the approaches of the Buddhas teachings into single path to enlightenment.  A copy of the text will be given to attendees at the retreat.

Songs of Spiritual Experience Retreat Jan 30th, 2016 Goleta, CA
Please join us for a day of teachings, meditation, prayers, and discussion. All are welcome.  This is an opportunity for those who cannot attend the week-long retreat to participate in an all- day teaching with Venerable Tenzin.  (For those who register for the six-day retreat with Venerable Tenzin at La Casa de Maria, this one-day event is included in your retreat.

Emptiness & Fullness Retreat Jan 30th – Feb 4th, 2016 Montecito, CA
This weeklong retreat will allow participants to go deeper into meditation practice and receive teachings with Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi. Open to all practitioner levels and there are no prerequisites.  We will observe noble Silence in the retreat room and otherwise it is encouraged but optional.

Eight Verses of Mind Training Retreat  Dec 12th, 2015 Carbondale, CO
In preparation of the upcoming teachings by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on the Eight Verses of Thought Transformation, the Way of Compassion Dharma Center is hosting a day retreat on this precious text. We will be using some commentary given by the Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi from his recent teaching on the text.  The Eight Verses, derived from the traditional Mahayana Buddhist practice of lojong (mind training), was written by the great  Kadampa Bodhisattva, Geshe Langri Tangpa (AD 1054-1123).

Stages of Meditation Retreat August 1-2, 2015 Buena Vista, CO
This retreat focuses on methods for cultivating meditative quiescence, or shamatha. We practice “mindfulness of breathing”, which is an effective approach to soothing the body and calming the discursive mind. We also focus on a shamatha practice which is a preliminary to Dzogchen, called “settling the mind in its natural state”. The attainment of shamatha is widely regarded in the Buddhist tradition as an indispensable foundation for the cultivation of contemplative insight (vipashyana). This retreat provides a theoretical understanding and a basis in experience that will enable participants to proceed effectively toward this state of mental and physical balance.  Teachings included the cultivation of the four immeasurables: loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity. These powerful qualities can break down barriers created by attachment and aversion allowing ones’ heart to open to all beings, bringing great peace and happiness. Group discussions focused on the practical application for daily life.

The Union of Bliss and Emptiness Retreat July 18, 2015 Edwards, CO
This retreat introduced the practice of guru yoga, which combines the essential aspects of the sutra path and profound tantra (Vajrayana) meditation practices.  The retreat consisted of teachings, discussion and prayers and meditation.

Film Screening  Special Event Mar 13 2015 Edwards, CO  Join us for this special viewing which depicts Father Keating’s life and spiritual journey. Introduction by Venerable Tenzin with brief Q & A to follow.

Awakened and Altruistic: Verses on Bodhicitta Retreat  Mar 14 2015 Edwards, CO
This retreat will cover selected verses from the works of Shantideva and Khunu Lama, which encourages one to develop an altruistic heart and an enlightened mind through the motivation of bodhichitta.  For further reading: “Vast as the Heavens, Deep as the Sea” by Khunu Rinpoche and “The Way of the Bodhisatva” by Shantideva.

Emptiness of Emptiness Retreat Jan 30-Feb 5th, 2015 Montecito, CA
Form is emptiness; emptiness also is form. Emptiness is no other than form; form is no other than emptiness. In the same way feeling, perception, formation and consciousness are emptiness.  A week long intensive retreat on the understanding, practice, and realization of emptiness. This retreat provides an opportunity to understand the conceptual framework of emptiness as it was presented and discussed in the literatures of  Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajryana schools. Participants will then proceed to deconstruct this conceptual framework to encounter emptiness “face to face”— proceeding to a naked awareness of no “face to face”.  The retreat  explores emptiness through teachings, discussions and meditation practices.  Beginners and advanced students are encouraged to attend.  Suggested Readings (in any available language): The Heart Sutra; Acharya Nagarjuna’s “Verses of the Middle Way” (mulamadhyamika-karika)— “Seventy Stanzas of Emptiness” (“sunyata-saptatih).

Buddha Nature Retreat  September 14, 2014  Edwards CO

In Mahayana Buddhism, the Tathagatagarbha sutras are considered to be the earliest expression of the original concept of Buddha Nature. Buddha Nature refers to the realization that all sentient beings, without exception, have the same essential nature and potential for enlightenment. Just as clouds temporarily cover the sun, so too can ignorance temporarily obscure our Buddha Nature and hinder our development of compassion and wisdom. Meditation practice can allow us to see the true nature of things and develop these naturally present seeds of enlightenment.

Teachings of the Kadampa Masters pt 3 Retreat  Feb 22-23 2014 Denver

The Kadampa Tradition emerged in Tibet during the 11th century from the teachings of the great Indian master Atisha through his foremost Tibetan disciple, Dromtonpa. The Kadampa Masters were at once great scholars and practitioners, devoted to lives of mental cultivation. Their teachings were simple and direct with a wide appeal. As sincere spiritual practitioners, they integrated their knowledge of all the Buddha’s teachings into their daily lives by listening, thinking & meditating on the stages of the path to enlightenment. These essential teachings were later incorporated into the core teachings of all four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism, and in particular formed the basis of the Gelug School. They are still highly valued today for their clear understanding of how to create genuine happiness and the practical application of the bodhisattva’s altruistic ideals to everyday life. Teachings will be based on The Book of Kadam: The Core Texts (Library of Tibetan Classics), Thupten Jinpa, Ph.D. (Translator).

Three Principal Aspects of the Path by Je Tsong Khapa Retreat Feb 1-2 2014  Denver, CO  

Lama Je Tsong Khapa founded the Ganden monastery in 1409 and his followers later became known as the Gelugpas. The Gelug School, which eventually became the largest of the four main schools of Tibetan Buddhism, emphasized the union of sutra and tantra and the step by step graduated path to enlightenment. Tsong Khapa asserted that it is on the basis of these three aspects: the wish for true freedom, the generation of altruistic intention, and the wisdom that understands how things really exist, that one must embark on this profound spiritual path.

Parting from the Four Attachments by Drakpa Gyaltsen Retreat Dec 6-12 2013  Fairplay, CO

Parting from the Four Attachments, is a teaching universally regarded as one of the jewels of Tibetan Buddhism. According to tradition, Drakpa Gyaltsen (1167-1216) received the teaching as a direct transmission from Manjushri.  These practical teachings are considered to be essential to anyone wanting to genuinely enter the practice of Dharma. Freeing oneself from the four attachments allows the sincere practitioner to recognize and avoid the typical pitfalls encountered on the spiritual path. It is believed that this teaching has the power to instill realizations on all who receive it with proper intention. Understanding the true nature of mind, that it is the source of all problems and solutions, allows one to alleviate the personal suffering that is caused by ignorance and confusion.

Happiness without Delusion: Teachings from Early Tibetan Buddhism Retreat  Sept 14-15 2013  Denver, CO

Sangha Practice Weekend – Webcast from MIT – Retreat May 17-19, 2013  Fairplay, CO

The Therigata and the Theragata: Voices of Victory with Anne Teich – Retreat Apr 26-28 Salida, CO

Developing Joyous Perserverance – Retreat  Mar 29-30, 2013 Fairplay, CO

Dhammapada Pt 1 – Retreat Feb 22-24, 2013 Edwards, CO

Vajrasattva Purification Retreat – Dec 7 – 14, 2012 Fairplay, CO

Purification of Wisdom: The Heart Sutra – Retreat Sept 21-23, 2012  Fairplay, CO

Thogme Zangpo’s – Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva – Retreat August 24-26 Denver, CO

Cultivating a Kind Heart – Retreat  July 27-29, 2012  Edwards, CO

Buddhist Film Series “A Zen Life – D.T. Suzuki”- Special Event  July 27, 2012   Edwards, CO

Dhammapada II- Retreat May 12th, 2012  Fairplay, CO

Buddhist Film Series “Enlightenment Guaranteed” Special Event  Mar 30, 2012   Edwards, CO

Genuine Mindfulness Retreat  Feb 24-26, 2012   Edwards, CO 

Sangha Shamatha Practice / Stages of Meditation Retreat Jan. 27-29, 2012   Fairplay, CO

Dhammapada Part I Retreat Nov 18th-20th, 2011 – Webcast from MIT on the 19th

Acharya Nagarjuna’s Exposition on Bodhichitta” – Retreat Oct 14-16, 2011 Fairplay, CO

Meditation and Mind Training: Teachings of Acaryas Dharmarakhita & Atisha – Retreat Dec 2-8, 2011  Fairplay, CO &  Sept 23-25, 2011  webcast from Chapman University, CA

Stages of Meditation Retreat  July 22-24, 2011  Fairplay, CO

Compassion (Sadhana & Recitation Practice) Retreat Aug 26-31, 2011  Fairplay, CO

Exposition on Vipashyana Retreat  Friday, June 3 – 5, 2011   Salida, CO

Vesak Celebraion: The Bodhisattva Path, Altruism from a Buddhist Perspective  Special Event Friday, June 3rd, 2011

Buddha Nature Retreat  May 7 & 8, 2011  Webcast from CA

Teachings on Mahaparinnirvana Sutra and Celebration Retreat Feb 12-13, 2011 Edwards, CO

Vail Symposium Panel on Religious Perspectives on End of Times Special Event  Feb 11, 2011   Edwards, CO

Trainings in Insight Vipassana Retreat with Anne Teich  Jan 14-21, 2011  Fairplay, CO

Teachings based on Pratyutpanna Samadhi Sutra – Retreat Dec 11-12, 2010 Buena Vista, CO

Achieving Happiness Through Generosity in Times of Financial Uncertainty Special Event Dec 10th  Buena Vista, CO

Training in Shamata (meditative serenity) Retreat Nov 13-14, 2010  Edwards, CO

Cultivating the Six Perfections Retreat  Oct 22-24, 2010 Fairplay, CO

One Thousand Arm Avalokitesvara Sadhana (Nyungne) Retreat Sept 17-19, 2010  Fairplay, CO

 Compassion and its’ Causes Retreat August 21-22, 2010   Edwards, CO

Practicing Compassion, Generating Happiness Special Event August 20, 2010  Edwards, CO

Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland Retreat Friday, July 30 – August 1, 2010  Salida, CO

Lam Rim – From Suffering to Liberation Retreat  June 12 –18, 2010  Fairplay, CO

Lam Rim – Guide to Meditation Retreat May 15 – 16th, 2010  Salida, CO

Enlightened Activity: Deepening Compassion & Wisdom for Service in the World Retreat Mar 13-14, 2010 Buena Vista, CO

Lam Rim Part 1 Retreat  April 24-25, 2010  Edwards, CO

Verses on the Middle Way Part II Retreat February 20–21, 2010  Edwards, CO

Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat January 25 – 31, 2010  Fairplay, CO

Lankavatara Sutra Part III & Bodhi Day Celebration Retreat December 5 – 6, 2009  Fairplay, CO

Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy Retreat Webcast from MIT to Bodhimarga Sanghas November 14 –15, 2009

Parting from the Four Attachments by Drakpa Gyaltsen  Retreat  October 17 – 18, 2009 Edwards, CO

Foundation of All Good Qualities  Retreat August 15 – 16, 2009  Salida, CO

Verses on the Middle Way by acarya Nagarjuna Part I Retreat September 19 -20, 2009   Fairplay, CO

Mahamudra, Green Tara and Purification & Healing Ceremonies with Venerable Drupon Samten Rinpoche Retreat and Special Event July 18-20, 2009  Edwards, CO

Bardo Retreat  June 22 – June 28, 2009 Edwards, CO

The Sutra of Vilalakirti Retreat  June 9-10, 2009   Edwards, CO

Balancing Heart and Mind with Alan Wallace Retreat May 16-17, 2009. Edwards, CO

Achieving Calm & Clarity:  Setting Up of Mindfulness with Anne Teich Retreat April 24–26, 2009. Buena Vista, CO

The Tathagatagarbha Doctrine Retreat February 28 – March 1, 2009  Buena Vista, CO 

Contagious Conduct: Guide to Meaning and Happiness Special Event Feb 28, 2009  Buena Vista, CO

The Yogacara School Retreat  Jan 31-Feb 1, 2009 Edwards, CO

Vail Symposium: Ethics, Religion and Society: Integration and Interaction Special Event Jan 31, 2009

Public Talk for Teenagers and Young Adults Special Event Dec 5, 2008  Miller Ranch Community Center, Edwards, CO

Fifty Stanzasof Guru Devotion (Gurupancashikha) by Ashvaghosa & 1000 Arm Avalokiteshvara Retreat Sept. 19-21, 2008 Edwards, CO

Laddakh & Footsteps of the Buddha Retreat and Pilgrimage in India  August 2008

Gampopa – Jewel Ornament of Liberation Retreat February 23-24, 2008   Evergreen, CO

In Praise of Dependent Origination Retreat July 28-29, 2007  Colorado

Intensive Mahamudra Practice Retreat June 4 – 8, 2007 Colorado

Intensive Mahamudra Retreat with Venerable Drubpon Samten Rinpoche May 12-13, 2007  Vail, CO

Vissudhimagga With Anne Teich Retreat April 28-29, 2007  Evergreen, CO

Blossoming Dharma:  A Retreat on the Lotus Sutra  March 17-18, 2007  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

Arya Nagarjuna’s “Exposition on Bodhicitta Retreat February 23-25, 2007 Salida, CO

Foundations of Buddhism Retreat January 27-28, 2007 Iliff School of Theology, Denver, CO

Intensive Retreat on Vajrasattva  December 8-10, 2006  Lakewood, CO

Bodhicitta: Enlightened or Awakened Mind Retreat November 17-19, 2006 Salida CO  Public Talk November 16, 2006

The Five Buddha Family Retreat  September 15-16, 2006 Denver, CO